Empresa e produtos


Produtos químicos técnicos para a indústria


Aerosols, greases, fitting and removal pastes, lubricants, penetrating oils, anti-corrosives, galvanisers, mould releasing agents, strippers, weld anti-adherents, degreasing solvents, cleaning solvents, washing solvents, non-flammable solvents, VOC-free solvents, biodegradable solvents, solvents for ultrasound, solvents for vapour phase, detergents, food processing (HACCP) approved products, products for plastics, products for printing, products for using polyurethanes, epoxies and polyesters, biotechnology products from agricultural chemistry.

  • Founded: 1990
  • A company from the group holding TEC INVESTISSEMENTS, founded in 1952
  • Work force: 116
  • Site area: 44,000 m²
  • Production area: 17,900 m²
  • Laboratories area: 700 m²
  • Administration area: 1,000 m²
  • Raw materials storage capacity:
    1,600 tons
  • Patents: 17
  • First certification AFAQ in 1993, certified ISO 9001 rev. 2008
  • OHSAS 18001 certification
  • ISO 14001 certification
  • ISO 14040 certification in progress